Since 2017, Gfinity has produced the F1 Esports Series for Formula One. We were asked to design,develop, and deliver a motorsport esports programme that would establish Formula One as an esports brand and create an authentic way for young talent to engage and rise through the ranks of motorsport esports.

Our Approach
Gfinity provides F1 with a complete turnkey esports solution, including broadcast strategy and management of all competition elements of the series where we ultilise the Gfinity Esports Platform (GEP), and it’s Race Control module to enable a small team to manage this massive global competition effectively and cost efficiently.
Today, all 10 Formula 1 teams participate in the series. In 2019, the F1 Esports Series recorded a 76% increase in online viewership to 5.8 million, with 2019 online viewership totaling 5.8m and 169m social media impressions accumulated, making it a milestone year.

Our Approach
Gfinity provides F1 with a complete turnkey esports solution, including broadcast strategy and management of all competition elements of the series where we ultilise the Gfinity Esports Platform (GEP), and it’s Race Control module to enable a small team to manage this massive global competition effectively and cost efficiently.
Today, all 10 Formula 1 teams participate in the series. In 2019, the F1 Esports Series recorded a 76% increase in online viewership to 5.8 million, with 2019 online viewership totaling 5.8m and 169m social media impressions accumulated, making it a milestone year.

Our Approach Continue

With the COVID-19 pandemic putting a halt on the traditional F1 Grand Prix stops around the world, Gfinity was tasked with the design and delivery of a new virtual pro-am format for F1 Esports as an entertainment product appealing to more traditional Formula 1 fans, who were unable to watch the regular races.
We created the F1 Esports Virtual Grand Prix series, an innovative esports racing format featuring traditional sporting and entertainment celebrities competing from the safety and comfort of their own homes.
